Sunday, October 7, 2007


Friends. Friends are to most important things a person could have. I think back on my life of the past few years. As I get older, I realize I lost a lot of female friends due to their boyfriends. I am sure every person could relate. Some of my friends I was with night and day. Constantly talking on the phone and spilling secrets with each other. Then they would start liking a particular boy. We would both be happy for her. In the beginning of the relationship, I would not mind being put on the back burner. I would want my girls to be happy. I would find that instead of seeing my friends everyday, it became twice a week, then once, then twice a month. Before I knew it I couldn't even have a phone conversation (which were ALWAYS about the boyfriend) with out the boyfriend beeping in on the other line. It then became impossible to even get in contact with my girls.They only time I spoke to me friends, it was because she need to vent about a fight or talk about him. I was always told not to mention where we were because the boyfriend would be mad or jealous. Was I to blame? Of all the times this situation happened to me, I blamed it on myself. I felt as if I was selfish to want to have my best friend. I was always told When I had a boyfriend I would do the same thing. I have been in a relationship for almost a year. I have not once heard from my family or friends that I was always with my boyfriend, or talked about him too much, or we are always fighting. This makes me wonder. Do I have a good relationship or did I learn what not to do in a relationship from my friends? I guess I could only leave off with what I know... Friends are extremely valuable, Try not to sweat the small stuff, some people are part of your past and thier is a reason the are not in your future, and finally , strangers are friends that you havent met yet.

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