Monday, October 22, 2007

Money Money Money

I would like to know why prices everywhere are going up and my pay is not. Everything is so expensive these days. I work in a pizzeria and a regular slice is $2.00. I remember when I was younger it was $1.25. Sometimes when the older customers come in (around the age of 65 or so) they take my down memory lane with them. They tell me that slice of pizza was .10 cents. I could not believe that when I heard it. Also I think that people are spending money like it is going out of style. I am conservative with my money, not cheap, conservative. I know where my money needs to go. I also know when it is okay to treat myself. The people going into debt are younger and younger. Some in their early twenties. I can not believe it. It is hard to save. Back in the day, there was not cell phone or ipods to worry about spending money on. Also activities have gone up in prices. It is crazy the price for a single movie ticket. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. You have to know your spending priorities. Separate wants and needs. I am planning to go on vacation in December and it is difficult because so many expenses have to be paid and with school I can not work as much. I guess I am writing my blog to see if I am the only one that feels this way or not.

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