Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jon and Kate Plus 8

There is a show on TLC called "Jon and Kate Plus 8." My mother actually got me into the show. It is a reality show about a married couple. The were having trouble getting pregnant and took fertility drugs. They then had a pair of twins. They wanted only one more child and took more fertility's drugs. They ended up with sextuplets. The show is about the crazy life they live with two six year olds and six two year olds.

Watching the show puts things into perspective for me. This woman quit her job as a nurse to stay home full time. She is very organized. She handles nine other people so well and I can not even manage my own life. Jon and Kate so get stressed out but they handle it better than anybody else would. The viewers could see that the family really loves each other at the end of the day. They two year olds have developed their own little personalities. The parents make sure they give all the children attention. The six year old girls feel like the leader of the pack. They never complain that the younger kids get more attention.

This show is entertaining to watch. It makes the viewer think that they can handle anything. I suggest everybody should watch at least one episode.

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